Sunday, March 15, 2009

Resolutions, Dreams, Hopes

Here's a list of a bunch of my wannabe resolutions.

  1. Spend more time with Jesus the one who loves me beyond all my deserves.
  2. Obey him more.
  3. Guard my heart from falling in love. I'm way to young anyway..
  5. Be obsessed about Him
  6. Wean myself off of Youtube and... him. I'm obsessed about those things..(oo different hims by the way..hehe)
  7. Go to bed early and get up early
  8. Not to swear
  10. Write all the important details on my story!!
  11. Spend more time with my friends!! YEAH I REALLY DO LOVE YOU GUYS! I WANT TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH YA'LL!
  12. Spend more time following artistic pursuits.
  13. Dream about my future
  14. reaaadd a ton more!
  15. Encourage people a ton more
  16. Say thank you whenever complimented
  17. Not hide the way I feel so much because I'm afraid of what they're going to think..
  19. Learn how to stop going to Youtube until I never go there again.
  20. Gain stamina and strength
  21. Enlarge my vocabulary
  22. Live with passion and boldness
  23. Live out my dreams
  24. Discuss philosophy with a couple different people
  25. Get to know my brothers better
  26. Hang out with my mom more!
  27. stop thinking about him...
  28. Stop spending *ahem* WASTING so much time on the Internet
But there's one major one that I'll set appart because I really want to accomplish this one and it's quite relevant.

Go to the US and when I return to Malaysia, to come back with an unfettered heart for God alone and without any feelings for any particular guy anywhere in the world.
In other words.

Sorry I can't write any more. I have tons more resolutions and aspirations but I'll have to save that for another time! This is an old post anyway. Haha! I posted a ton of posts that I wrote a while ago today which is the 31 of March.

Your's (The Lord's) )Truly!(.

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